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Jillian Casalini
Sep 20, 2024

Solana Foundation Awards Grant to Molecule for Building Solana-Native DeSci Funding Platform: Pump.Science


Solana Foundation awarded Molecule a grant to build a Solana-native DeSci funding platform: 

Solana prioritizes speed, scalability, and cost-efficiency. The opposite seems to be true for drug development. The rate at which new medications are reaching the market has plummeted. But scientific progress must accelerate. Our lives depend on it. Enter Solana x Molecule. 

DeSci Breaks Ground on Solana

Just like is the poster child of Solana’s memecoin bull run, will be the poster child of Solana’s DeSci movement. 

Using bonding curves and a simple UX, made launching meme coins (which used to be a somewhat mysterious process) simple, fast, fun, and transparent. showed that when the barriers to creation fall, more good ideas rise, and new users are drawn into crypto. It was proof that culture eats strategy for breakfast.

We are no strangers to bonding curves. Molecule’s founder was yapping about bonding curves funding science back in 2019. Molecule’s newest product, Catalyst, leverages a unique bonding curve for funding early-stage scientific research with IP tokens. But Catalyst is on Ethereum (Base). Solana is faster. And scientific progress must accelerate. Betting on How to Live Forever 

With the Solana Foundation grant, Molecule is developing, a platform for funding and streaming longevity experiments powered by Wormbot.

On, anyone can submit or fund experiments with drug regimens for C. elegans worms trying to extend their 20-day lifespan. Every experiment gets a token named after the drug regimen and seeks to answer the question, “Does this regimen extend the worm's lifespan?” 

Anyone can buy the drug regimen’s tokens, watch the experiments unfold on Wormbot, and, if the regimen extends the worm’ lifespan, have a stake in the resulting drug development and distribution. The goal? Bet on the winning regimen, get it to humans, and live forever. 

This isn’t just fun. It's science.

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About Molecule

Molecule is dedicated to advancing scientific research through democratized funding and the tokenization of intellectual property (IP). By transforming IP into liquid, onchain assets, Molecule aligns the incentives of researchers and funders, fostering a more collaborative and efficient research ecosystem.