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Cameron Stow
Aug 19, 2024

Quick Start Guide to Catalyst


Welcome to Catalyst, the DeSci funding machine that lets you decide the future of science. Whether you are a Web3 native, or just jumping in, Catalyst is for everyone to participate in funding innovative research. This guide will walk you through the steps to start your journey on Catalyst, from connecting your wallet to funding your first project.

Step 1: Visit the Catalyst Website

Start by heading over to Catalyst. This is where you'll discover a variety of projects seeking funding. You can explore projects related to longevity, neuroscience, and more.

Step 2: Login or Connect Your Wallet

Connect Your MetaMask Wallet

To participate, you'll need a MetaMask wallet. If you don't have one, you can easily set one up by downloading the MetaMask extension for your browser or the mobile app. If you need additional support, follow this complete setup guide.

Login with Email or Socials

You can also choose to log in using your email or social account using Privy. Privy allows you to use Catalyst using just your email. You will be able to fund your wallet in Catalyst through Coinbase Pay or Moonpay.

To fund using Moonpay, click on your wallet in the top right corner, click “Get ETH,” and then click “Moonpay.” You will be taken to Moonpay’s application where you can purchase ETH and fund your wallet. 

Once your wallet is set up, click the "Connect" button at the top of the Catalyst homepage. Follow the prompts to link your MetaMask wallet to the platform.

Step 3: Bridge to Base

Catalyst operates on Base, a blockchain network optimized for secure and low-cost transactions. To interact with projects on Catalyst, you'll need to bridge your ETH from the Ethereum mainnet to Base. This can be done directly within MetaMask or once you have connected your wallet to Catalyst, you can click ‘ Get ETH’ and select the bridging option as shown below. :

If you are briding using Open your MetaMask wallet:

In the network dropdown, select "Base" or add it as a custom network if it's not listed. Use the bridge option in MetaMask to transfer ETH from the Ethereum mainnet to the Base network.

Once your ETH is successfully bridged to Base, you'll be ready to fund projects.

Step 4: Find a Project and Fund It

Browse through the available projects on Catalyst. When you find a project that aligns with your interests, click on it to learn more. 

To contribute, simply enter the amount of ETH you want to contribute in the funding section. Confirm the transaction in your MetaMask wallet, and your contribution will be processed.

Step 5: Receive IPTs

To receive IP Tokens, the project must reach its funding goal, and a research agreement must be successfully finalized between the researchers and sponsors. If the funding goal isn’t met or an agreement isn’t reached, your funds will be refunded.

When the project’s funding goal is met and a successful negotiation is finalized, you’ll receive your IP Tokens, giving you governance rights over the IP generated by the research you’ve funded.After funding a project, you'll receive IP tokens (IPTs) in return. IPTs represent your share in the intellectual property generated by the research you're funding. 

You're ready to fund!

That's it! You've successfully connected to Catalyst, bridged to Base, and funded a project. By supporting these groundbreaking initiatives, you're not only contributing to scientific progress but also becoming a part of the DeSci community. Welcome aboard!